Subsea cable protection system, exist of two concrete half tubes connected together with an unique and simple interlock system. A pair of half tubes locked together is forming a solid concrete protection.
The half tubes are then locked to the next pair of half tubes with capability to bend some
30 mm between each pair of tubes. Each pair of tubes is building from 600 mm and weights approx 40 Kg, depending of size. Inside the tubes there is rubber details to fix and protect the cable from unnecessary wear.
The concrete tubes can be put on manually just before the cable is “leaving” the laying vessel. The concrete tubes can also be put on the cable by a semi-automated system.
The best reason why using our unique cable protection system is because its light compared with many other systems, it’s simple to mount the tubes on a cable, the cable will be protected from all directions, but maybe the best reason is the cost.
Try us; compare our prices with any other cable protection provider on the market.
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